Inspired by the scutes of a tortoises shell, panels of ostrich shin with their long scales join together to bring our Kamba bags to life. The handwoven construction gives the 3D effect of our favourite slow and steady companion.
Like the tortoise, the Kamba bag is the perfect size to carry all the necessities one needs within its shell.
This particular Limited Edition collection has been expertly handcrafted with a bronze cattle leather which was fabricated for high fashion and no longer in production. Combined with fully traceable, genuine ostrich shin & gold plated fittings, every detail exudes the creativity and passion in which the bag was created. Uniquely adjustable spaghetti strap & contrast lining makes it edgy outside and in.
15% of each bag will be given personally by Justine to the Chiredzi River Conservancy, devoted to anti-poaching efforts in this fragile wildlife corridor in southeastern Zimbabwe.